2,586 research outputs found

    A Bayesian view of doubly robust causal inference

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    In causal inference confounding may be controlled either through regression adjustment in an outcome model, or through propensity score adjustment or inverse probability of treatment weighting, or both. The latter approaches, which are based on modelling of the treatment assignment mechanism and their doubly robust extensions have been difficult to motivate using formal Bayesian arguments, in principle, for likelihood-based inferences, the treatment assignment model can play no part in inferences concerning the expected outcomes if the models are assumed to be correctly specified. On the other hand, forcing dependency between the outcome and treatment assignment models by allowing the former to be misspecified results in loss of the balancing property of the propensity scores and the loss of any double robustness. In this paper, we explain in the framework of misspecified models why doubly robust inferences cannot arise from purely likelihood-based arguments, and demonstrate this through simulations. As an alternative to Bayesian propensity score analysis, we propose a Bayesian posterior predictive approach for constructing doubly robust estimation procedures. Our approach appropriately decouples the outcome and treatment assignment models by incorporating the inverse treatment assignment probabilities in Bayesian causal inferences as importance sampling weights in Monte Carlo integration.Comment: Author's original version. 21 pages, including supplementary materia

    A hierarchical Bayesian model for predicting ecological interactions using scaled evolutionary relationships

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    Identifying undocumented or potential future interactions among species is a challenge facing modern ecologists. Recent link prediction methods rely on trait data, however large species interaction databases are typically sparse and covariates are limited to only a fraction of species. On the other hand, evolutionary relationships, encoded as phylogenetic trees, can act as proxies for underlying traits and historical patterns of parasite sharing among hosts. We show that using a network-based conditional model, phylogenetic information provides strong predictive power in a recently published global database of host-parasite interactions. By scaling the phylogeny using an evolutionary model, our method allows for biological interpretation often missing from latent variable models. To further improve on the phylogeny-only model, we combine a hierarchical Bayesian latent score framework for bipartite graphs that accounts for the number of interactions per species with the host dependence informed by phylogeny. Combining the two information sources yields significant improvement in predictive accuracy over each of the submodels alone. As many interaction networks are constructed from presence-only data, we extend the model by integrating a correction mechanism for missing interactions, which proves valuable in reducing uncertainty in unobserved interactions.Comment: To appear in the Annals of Applied Statistic

    Two-sample Bayesian Nonparametric Hypothesis Testing

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    In this article we describe Bayesian nonparametric procedures for two-sample hypothesis testing. Namely, given two sets of samples y(1)  \mathbf{y}^{\scriptscriptstyle(1)}\;\stackrel{\scriptscriptstyle{iid}}{\s im}  F(1)\;F^{\scriptscriptstyle(1)} and y(2)  \mathbf{y}^{\scriptscriptstyle(2 )}\;\stackrel{\scriptscriptstyle{iid}}{\sim}  F(2)\;F^{\scriptscriptstyle( 2)}, with F(1),F(2)F^{\scriptscriptstyle(1)},F^{\scriptscriptstyle(2)} unknown, we wish to evaluate the evidence for the null hypothesis H0:F(1)≡F(2)H_0:F^{\scriptscriptstyle(1)}\equiv F^{\scriptscriptstyle(2)} versus the alternative H1:F(1)≠F(2)H_1:F^{\scriptscriptstyle(1)}\neq F^{\scriptscriptstyle(2)}. Our method is based upon a nonparametric P\'{o}lya tree prior centered either subjectively or using an empirical procedure. We show that the P\'{o}lya tree prior leads to an analytic expression for the marginal likelihood under the two hypotheses and hence an explicit measure of the probability of the null Pr(H0∣{y(1),y(2)})\mathrm{Pr}(H_0|\{\mathbf {y}^{\scriptscriptstyle(1)},\mathbf{y}^{\scriptscriptstyle(2)}\}\mathbf{)}.Comment: Published at http://dx.doi.org/10.1214/14-BA914 in the Bayesian Analysis (http://projecteuclid.org/euclid.ba) by the International Society of Bayesian Analysis (http://bayesian.org/

    DM-PhyClus: A Bayesian phylogenetic algorithm for infectious disease transmission cluster inference

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    Background. Conventional phylogenetic clustering approaches rely on arbitrary cutpoints applied a posteriori to phylogenetic estimates. Although in practice, Bayesian and bootstrap-based clustering tend to lead to similar estimates, they often produce conflicting measures of confidence in clusters. The current study proposes a new Bayesian phylogenetic clustering algorithm, which we refer to as DM-PhyClus, that identifies sets of sequences resulting from quick transmission chains, thus yielding easily-interpretable clusters, without using any ad hoc distance or confidence requirement. Results. Simulations reveal that DM-PhyClus can outperform conventional clustering methods, as well as the Gap procedure, a pure distance-based algorithm, in terms of mean cluster recovery. We apply DM-PhyClus to a sample of real HIV-1 sequences, producing a set of clusters whose inference is in line with the conclusions of a previous thorough analysis. Conclusions. DM-PhyClus, by eliminating the need for cutpoints and producing sensible inference for cluster configurations, can facilitate transmission cluster detection. Future efforts to reduce incidence of infectious diseases, like HIV-1, will need reliable estimates of transmission clusters. It follows that algorithms like DM-PhyClus could serve to better inform public health strategies
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